12 November 2011

through the eyes of a fifteen-year-old

me: hey alex, can you help me rake the yard?

a: mom, seriously, there is nothing to rake... 

me: right, let's go... 

after we were done, that man-child and i headed to the backyard where he dug the hole we needed to bury his sister's bunny...

have i told you lately how grateful i am for these kids? and how much i love them?


  1. Seriously, mom, I don't see a leaf in that photo. =)

  2. i think we had that same conversation here today...

    so sorry about the bunny..what happened? We had bunnies for many years..my first one lived to be 13 years old.

  3. Aww, Alex you are one very sensitive and wonderful man to take care of the resting place for bunny. Oh, and raking up those leaves was wonderful thing to do with your mum. You rock.

  4. We can never say how much we love them enough. :)

  5. :) I always loved working with kids his age...still kids in so many ways but so grown up also. They never ceased to amaze me with their fiery idealism and caring ~most of the time ;)~

    Now, I've had the benefit ~with the help of Facebook~ to see so many of them go on to become caring and amazing adults....that's been pretty cool.

  6. Lol... seriously nothing to rake. Gotta love them :-)

  7. I think Alex and my youngest, Kyle are on the same wave length! Amazing how much work they do, when shown where the work IS ~lol~

  8. Love the conversation!

    Nope, not a leaf in that shot. :)

  9. I left you a comment on your Flickr page. Your bunny looked so much like mine. I'm so sorry for your family's loss.

    My rabbit is a Polish; what breed was yours?

  10. MD - I'm sure leaf-blindness is a genetic boy thing?? I did have to laugh. Go well. B

  11. Doesn't your son know how zen raking leaves can be? that whole "carrying water, raking stones" thing. I actually enjoy raking leaves if I can get to it before the snow falls!

  12. This made me laugh. It's like a Seinfeld episode! :-)

  13. What a darling brother... isn't it great to watch them grow to human adults you are proud of? I'm watching my nieces grow and they are so precious....


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