14 April 2016

3 breaths

mjd - 2016 - 3 breaths

in my young adulthood, i learned the practice of stopping during the day to take 3 deep breaths. inhaling through the nose to the count of 5 and exhaling through the mouth with slightly pursed lips to the count of 7 quickly showed me how shallowly i was breathing in my constricted, tension-filled chest. 

mjd - 2016 - 3 breaths

a deep sense of peace, awareness and grounding were immediately experienced and i found myself returned to the present with an awakened mind. to this day, i often notice that some of my senses are heightened for a bit afterwards. one of the greatest benefits (to my thinking) of having a practice that is grounding is how it can turn knee jerk reactions into thoughtful responses because you have been able to take a step back from your emotions instead of being engulfed by them. we all get triggered, but at least we can come at it from a more stable, less inflamed base. 

mjd - 2016 - 3 breaths

these are my interpretation of the tibetan buddhist 108 bead mala. in place of the guru bead, i have placed 3 markers (in copper, sterling or sterling and gold) to remind you of the breathing practice and to move you through it. the full piece is hand knotted to secure the 108 beads. 


  1. I've been doing this lately, especially at night

  2. Hi MJ - love the way you have creatively incorporated a very useful practice into beautiful meditative, centring and healing works. Peace. B


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