07 December 2012

the exhale

moments of stillness
(of calm
of peace
of deep exhale)
found in a quiet place
are not how we challenge ourselves
in our practice 
to be awake

but they are, without question, incredibly precious.


  1. Oh my-- what an incredibly beautiful photo of your designs--- totally amazing MJ!! Beautiful- calm-- and serene!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. your words and art are always so perfect

  3. Ah the exhale. I need to remember to do this more. I'm sure it would help calm me down during this hectic time.

  4. Now if I could just do it without coughing it would be great! Thank you!

  5. so beautiful... I am grateful to have stopped by this evening.

  6. Ahhhh...I read and breathe out the stress. Bless you!

  7. Your photo captures a beautiful moment of stillness and your words are a perfect reminder to cherish those quiet moments.

  8. MJ - beautiful setting for your quiet pieces. Always love the thoughtful connections you give your work. And I agree with others a booklet with the words and images would be a great way to share your thoughts and works. Go well. B

  9. My version of the 'chop wood carry water' story. But insert 'shovel snow and clear the tree branches'. At the end of the day dozens of beautiful images stored in my mind's eye. Noticing the progression of the Sun low in the southern horizon. Say hello.

  10. I've come back twice to re-read the words and filter them properly thru my mind. It feels a bit ying and yang - you need both parts to be fully well and alive. The exhale and the being present. Thanks for the lovely ponderings and images - always a blessing.


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